Saturday, 23 May 2009

On PCT - Perceptual Control theory


The Theoretical Framework

I'm using a multiple theoretical perspective as the research theoretical framework. So far these have include Rogers (2003) Diffusion of Innovation theory, Representation and action (Vaast & Walsham 2005) and Perceptual Control theory (Zhao & Cziko 2001). They could be more f it is related. Adoption theories like TAM and others may not be suitable on the basis of the research approach, the research design and the researcher research philosophy. These thoeries are mostly call for variance type of research (Wolfe 1994) where else my research lies in the domain of process research and longitudinally design.

Data sources

The source of data would include any communication that I made with the participants. These include emails, messages on online social network such as Facebook, chat conversation and comments on blogs posts.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Rigour in Action Research

This article, "Quality and rigour of action research in IS" by Judy McKay & Peter Marshall give a good discussion on rigour aspect of AR. Using the four elements introduced by Guba & Lincoln (1989), the paper provide a brief explanation of (1) credibility, (2) transferability, (3) dependability, and (4) confirmability, and show how to use them in evaluating an AR report.

Some related links:Techniques for establshing trustworthiness.

Reference: McKay J. & Marshall, P (2000). Quality and Rigour of Action Research in Information Systems. In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems (Hansen HR, Bichler M, Mahrer H eds.), 108-115, Vienna.