Wednesday 17 September 2008

Report on SMK Dinding (State of Perak, Malaysia)

This is an archive of a report in December 2006 by

I add my comment later probably. I'm interested to know the current status of this e-Sekolah project.

1 comment:

The rolling stone said...

asalaam alaykum brother. Thank you for your email and my apology for a late reply. I tried to go throu blog archive and in other PhD blogs but I couldnt find it. The topic I saw was sothing to do with writing research proposal. Inshaallah will cont. to look more or if you have such materials from other sources will be grateful receiving them. You see, my problem stage now is how to develop a theoretical framework. I wish I could get a magic wind to work on this and move forward. Again, thank you so much and all the best in your work. Kind regards, mboni.