Tuesday, 30 June 2009


Alahamdulillah. The defense session went very smoothly yesterday afternoon. It started at 3.35 pm chaired by Assoc Prof Dr Roslina Othman. Prof Dr Bakri & Dr Abdul Rahman Ahlan were the examiners. Also present were Assoc Prof Dr Mohamad Fauzan (my supervisor) and Dr Media as representative of IS Department. Prof Abu (ISHOD) could not make it. I prepared 26 slides for the presentation plus 20 more that were not in the presentation but could help me with the Q & A session. I was given 20 minutes only to present. But the presentation took more than 30 minutes. Of course I'm only halfway through the slides when Dr Roslina inform me that I have 10 minutes left. In that 10 I rushed to finish what I had prepared. You seem to have a lot to say but so little time. You see the best strategy was to highlight only the main critical point of your proposal. The rest is already in the RP submitted. And you must be ready to defend it.
The RP document I submitted on Jun 4th was a dateline document. I fully admit that it has a lot of short comings. Many actions and stances mentioned in it were not justified, so some of the questions were on those that have no justifications. It's not that I don't have them but it was not included (documented) due to the time constrain for me to beat the dateline (May 31st!).
The first question was on the research topic. Alhamdulillah, praised be to Allah that it was the question that we (I and Dr Fauzan) anticipated, as it was the weakest part of the proposal - NOT academic. For days, I search for a suitable topic to replace it. Alhamdulillah, it (the new topic) was accepted with minor changes (omission of some words). (to be continued)

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